Anzahl der Beiträge : 106 Anmeldedatum : 24.11.08 Alter : 58 Ort : Memmingen
Thema: Sicherheitslücke beim IE Sa Dez 20, 2008 11:13 am
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Zitat :
Serious security flaw found in IE A vulnerability has been discovered and the 27% of users of this site using Internet Explorer should probably install this hotfix as soon as possible.
From The flaw in Microsoft's Internet Explorer could allow criminals to take control of people's computers and steal their passwords, internet experts say.
Microsoft urged people to be vigilant while it investigated and prepared an emergency patch to resolve it. Internet Explorer is used by the vast majority of the world's computer users.
"Microsoft is continuing its investigation of public reports of attacks against a new vulnerability in Internet Explorer," said the firm in a security advisory alert about the flaw.
Microsoft says it has detected attacks against IE 7.0 but said the "underlying vulnerability" was present in all versions of the browser. Other browsers, such as Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Safari, are not vulnerable to the flaw Microsoft has identified.
Browser bait "In this case, hackers found the hole before Microsoft did," said Rick Ferguson, senior security advisor at Trend Micro. "This is never a good thing."
As many as 10,000 websites have been compromised since the vulnerability was discovered, he said.
"What we've seen from the exploit so far is it stealing game passwords, but it's inevitable that it will be adapted by criminals," he said. "It's just a question of modifying the payload the trojan installs."
"The message needs to get out that this malicious code can be planted on any web site, so simple careful browsing isn't enough."
Bitte kümmert Euch baldmöglichst darum, denn ein gehackter Account wäre sowohl für Euch, als auch für den Raid fatal!
Anzahl der Beiträge : 122 Anmeldedatum : 24.11.08 Alter : 47
Thema: Re: Sicherheitslücke beim IE Sa Dez 20, 2008 11:46 am
Danke für die Warnung Rainer.
Ich nutze seit ca. 3 Jahren Firefox, kann ich nur empfehlen.
Anzahl der Beiträge : 49 Anmeldedatum : 06.12.08
Thema: Re: Sicherheitslücke beim IE So Dez 21, 2008 2:13 am
Firefox mit "NoSkript" und AddBlock plus => Keine Probleme